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Growth forecast for Bakery & F&B industry & its impact to Food Distributors
In today’s article, we will look at the forecast of revenue for Singapore’s Food & Beverages
Industry (2015–2021). According to, one of the leading statistics companies on the internet, Singapore’s F&B Industry amounts to US$108m in 2017 and is expected to grow at a 15.9% CAGR from 2017 to 2021, reaching a market volume of US $195m in 2021.
For growth forecast of Global Bakery Products (2016–2021), a survey launched by Global Industry Analysts, Inc. (GIA), a leading publisher of off-the-shelf market research, had stated
that the global market for bakery products is projected to grow and exceed US$485 billion by Year 2020. A report by Research and Markets, further supported this trend, stating that the market will continue to grow and is expected to reach USD $530 Billion by 2021, at 4.5% CAGR during the forecast period. Both reports had also stated that the developing regions,
such as the Asia-Pacific, are currently the growing markets for Bakery Products.
According to GIA’s survey, the Asia-Pacific region recorded a CAGR of 6.7%, making it the fastest growing market in Bakery Products over the analysis period.
The growth of the Global market for Bakery Products will be driven by the increasing popularity of healthy, organic and all-natural baked products, together with the rising